05. February 2008 · Comments Off on “Sins of The Assassin” Review · Categories: Ain't That America?, Fun With Islam

Robert Ferrigno’s “Sins Of The Assassin” is released today in hardcover. A couple of years ago I received an email from Robert asking me if I’d like to get an advanced copy of “Prayers For The Assassin.” Since I never turn down a free book, I said yes and wrote this review about it. A few weeks ago I received another email from Robert asking if I’d like to get an advanced copy of “Sins.” See above for my answer. I still love the fact that he shot out advanced copies to bloggers. I’m sure he didn’t have to this time around, yet he still did.

I would have been perfectly happy if the story had stuck around the Islamic areas of America for its backdrop and continued with Rakkim and Sarah’s hunt for The Old One. Robert changes the scene on us this time around. Rakkim takes a mission into The Bible Belt. The Southern States that, by all that’s holy, weren’t going to be converted to Islam. What would it be like if the country divided? Who would be in charge? What would they do for fun? What happens to New Orleans the next time it gets slammed by a hurricane? What happens when intellectuals don’t have their colleges as their pulpit? What will Mexico and Canada do?

This is future history. It plays what if and it plays it pretty darn well. The fun thing about future history is that you can comment on today’s events from a distance. The perspective may surprise you. I found it hilarious in a lot of ways. Not the least of which is the running commentary on how exceptionally smart people can be pretty darn useless, if not downright dangerous if they’re put in the wrong situations.

If you haven’t read “Prayers” yet, “Sins” stands well on it’s own. Robert does a good job of filling in the backstory without beating you over the head with it. One of the things I hate about some series is when an author feels the need to spend a ridiculous amount of time on exposition. It’s okay if you haven’t read the previous works, but if you have, it can kill a book dead. “Sins” doesn’t do that.

I hope the third one comes out quickly and sincerely hope the trilogy gets picked up for a movie deal. I think the guy from Lost would make a great Rakkim.

I would have gone over to Borders later to pick it up if I hadn’t received an advanced copy.  I was that anxious for it.  Normally I wait for the paperback version of anything.

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