10. September 2008 · Comments Off on That Didn’t Take Long at All · Categories: Politics, Rant

Dear Sarah Palin Attackers,

At this point, only a week and a half after Sarah Palin was announced as the Republican pick for the VP candidate, whenever I hear or see a new attack on her, I simply roll my eyes and assume it’s bullshit.

Too much, too silly, too fast.  Nothing’s sinking in.  My eyes just sort of glaze over whenever some new, negative report of her “wrongness” comes on the air or over the net.

To be quite honest, it’s pissing me off.  The more you attack her, the more likely I am to vote for McCain and her, and I wasn’t all that excited about him before you started flinging the crap.

And Senator Obama?  The difference is, when Senator McCain made the “lipstick on a pig” remark last year, he was talking about Senator Clinton’s medical insurance program, you seemed to be attacking Governor Palin herself. That’s not the sexism card, that’s the, “What happened to disagreeing without being disagreeable?” card.

So just keep it up, we may not be paying attention to the details any more, but we are paying attention to what you’re attacking.  You’re attacking the person, not her policies.

What you’re not getting is even though a lot of us don’t agree with her on everything, I know I don’t, we admire her for what she’s accomplished and who she is.  We admire her for being so freaking normal compared to the rest of the political world.

You blew it.  When you attack her, it feels like you’re attacking me, disagreements and all.  I can relate to her a whole lot better than I can to you.  Every time you throw mud at her, it splashes onto me.  You seemed to have missed that.

And if you missed that, I just think you’re too dense to run the country.

UPDATE:  In all fairness to Senator Obama, once I saw the entire clip, the argument can be made that he was talking about McCain and his policies vs Governor Palin.  Although the crowd obviously didn’t take it that way.

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