Unaccustomed as I am now, or have any need to casually or professionally involved in the sewer that broadcast television has become in the last decade or two, I still manage to find out about some of the most egregious and offensive violations of good taste, good sense, and good manners, thanks to the internet – like Stephen Colbert’s tasteless and degrading monologue regarding President Trump more than a week ago. There are plenty of viewers and listeners who, like me, are of a conservative-slash-libertarian inclination, and unlike me – do still watch mainstream broadcast news and entertainment. They do take note of these offenses, and post, tweet and comment about them. Since the election of Donald Trump – against all expectations – to the high office of president, an astonishingly large number of public personalities have gone and continue to go stark raving nuts.

People in the entertainment business seem to be worse-affected, although a couple of Democratic Party politicians like Maxine Waters come close. While Maxine Waters’ unhinged blatherings should only be a matter of concern for those fools in her district who repeatedly return her to national office … the equally unhinged blatherings of figures who for some reason have a pulpit in the world of popular entertainment are somewhat more worrisome. Like the aforementioned Colbert, who is alleged to be a comedian. Honestly, I can’t judge whether he is or not a comedian, since I haven’t watched an episode of the Late Show in a dog’s age – but his unsavory blast of commentary which has ruffled feathers in my conservo-libertarian corner of the blogosphere has left the commetariant decidedly unamused.

So – Steven Colbert’s monologue has drawn some comment here and there. No, I don’t think that he will be fired for it; a slap on the wrist from the FCC may be about the most penalty that he will suffer. He is, after all, one of those anointed and set into a place in the high firmament of big media entertainment, an establishment which will roll over and go hard-left, rather than admit that … oh, hey -they have insulted, alienated, and pissed off at least half of their audience, the consumers of their product. Obviously, it must more important to entertainers like Colbert to go along with the popular crowd in demonstrations of contempt for Trump and those who voted for him. Which brings me to the aspect of this which I find to be the most depressing – the motivation for these displays of contempt … no, not only contempt, but outright hatred. The anger and frustration, boiling over. Those of us who voted Trump (often with reluctance and reservation) did not obey the instructions of the elite, and this willful disobedience on our part has maddened them beyond all beyond normal conventions of civility and rational thought. They are choking on their rage and hatred. And so it spills out in a tidal wave like Colbert’s infamous monologue.


  1. Unfortunately, I cannot boycott what I would never watch in the first place.

  2. Sgt. Mom

    Yup. Same here. I can’t even swear to boycotting the sponsors, since they appear to fall into the same category. Stuff I don’t use.

  3. Ranten N. Raven

    Listening to a podcast series — The History of Rome. Highly recommend it! But hearing the similarity of the conditions we now experience and those just as the Republic morphed into the Empire are terrifying. Soon, our Julius will be along, a strong man to set things right.

    Mourn our Republic (while you’re still allowed to do so).

  4. I listened to the “History of Rome” podcast several years ago. It is most excellent. I saved the mp3 files onto Cd’s so I could listen to it as I drove.

    I wondered if the average people of Rome sensed what was going on at the time of Julius Caesar. I’m sure most of them did because “strong men” that appear in history from time to time usually gain power because of conditions the average citizen wants fixed in a big way. Economic disaster or chronic civil unrest, or both, will do that. (See Hitler, Adolf. 1933 or Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1795)